Ivory Ostrich Feather Flower Crystal and Pearl Bridal Bouquet


A full and gorgeous ivory ostrich feather bridal bouquet that features Swarovski crystal accents, genuine crystal quartz gemstones in beautifully faceted cuts, ivory freshwater pearls and hand cut and pressed silk blooms, petals and leaves.

*Save the $2000 studio booking fee by purchasing a ready to ship bouquet. Only one available at this price. To remake this style, there will be an additional $2000 studio booking fee. 

Only one available and this wedding bouquet is ready to ship!

  • Freshwater Pearls
  • Swarovski Crystal Accents
  • Hand Cut and Pressed Silks
  • Ostrich Feather
  • Crystal Quartz Gemstone
Each stem is its own individual piece and wrapped in silk.

This bouquet is bound in a bridal white silk twill sash.

***Livet Studio Tip - Ordering in stock pieces such as this saves you a custom studio booking fee. Only one of this style available at this price! Once it sells out, a custom studio booking fee will be added to this style to produce it again. Thank you!

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