Beacon Heirloom Silver Grey Bronze Leaf Bouquet


Find yourself entranced by a sea of Swarovski crystals mixed with small scattered Ethiopian opal gemstones, crystal quartz gemstones, exclusive to the studio solid bronze cast leaves and hand dyed silks. It is Beacon, the couture heirloom bouquet from Marie Livet.

Beacon represents light in the dark. The shining source to guide you safely home.

Silvery silk velvet blooms mingle among the hand painted, cut and pressed silk satin petals. Large roses are heavily beaded in clear Swarovski crystals. Finally dark charcoal silk rose buds anchor the color scheme.

The polished solid cast bronze leaves featured in Beacon are exclusive to Marie Livet and created using impressions from the antique studio molds. 

Measures about 8 inches in diameter (about 20 cm) and about 9 inches tall (about 22-23 cm).

Each flower is its own individually finished piece with a green dupioni silk wrapped stem that can be molded to any direction. This arrangement can be taken apart and arranged differently if desired later for display purposes.

These bouquets are a cherished keepsake for years to come.

Marie Livet uses genuine antique tools to create the studio floral by hand so you know you're getting a finished piece that is truly rare and only available from the studio. Each heirloom bouquet takes several weeks to create using the finest materials. Many of the antique tools used had to be restored over several months because parts essential to their use were lost or destroyed long ago. This passion for art is what is delivered into every single unique art piece created.

Marie Livet ships worldwide.

Custom designs available upon request.

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